Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Proud of My Boy

After our (long and hot) trip to the zoo, we went to visit Evan's grandmother, Mom D. I was a little concerned that Marino would not be on his best behavior, considering he would be tired and overstimulated by the time we got there. To my surprise, he was an angel. In spite of likely not remembering Mom D or the other relatives who were there, he was happy to give hugs and kisses to everyone and to share his toys with them, too. He was a delight. I told him later "Marino, I am so proud of you today" and he said "Mommy, I'm proud of you, too!" Love this boy!!!

Here he is with Mom D.

1 comment:

  1. Such a cutie! I was looking at Marino's stats and holy growth spurt the last 6 months!!! That is seriously impressive growth!
