Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adjusted Birthday

Today, Marino is 12 months adjusted (8/26 was my original due date). Auntie Chelle and Auntie Rianne came over after work and hung with the boy. Auntie Chelle brought over super cool new sneaks for Marino that she brought back from Dr. Jay's in NYC. Is Marino a lucky guy or what?

In honor of Marino's adjusted birthday, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all the cool things he can do now:

* take up to 7 steps at a time (it would be accurate to call them stumbles, but we have to start somewhere, right?)
* can stand for close to a minute (until he thinks about it, then he falls over)
* "brush" his hair and his teeth
* plays peekaboo
* he does the penguin dance
* eat with a fork and cut with a knife with some assistance
* eats table food almost exclusively (I just puree fruit for yogurt)
* pats his belly if I say "big belly"
* pats his chest if we say "where's/who's Marino?" (this just started today)
* knows other people/animal's ears, eyes, mouth and nose
* knows what "gentle" means
* can clap, wave and blow kisses
* says "yay" if there is clapping or cheering
* drinks from a sippy (when he feels like it)
* drinks a bottle with one hand
* can say a handful of words: mama, dada, hi, bye, ball, dog, up, banana, whoa, uh oh, occassionally says "this"
* makes a chewing motion if he wants food or signs "milk" if he wants milk
* knows/does "in"
* rides his Lightning McQueen ride-on car (but only backwards)
* can throw and kick a ball
* plays chase and plays "fetch"
* is an avid climber:)

It's pretty amazing how much have changed in the past few months. He's really made some amazing strides.
Happy adjusted birthday, Marino!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy, happy (adjusted) birthday, Marino!!! I loved reading the things you can do now, and can't believe how fast you're growing up. Your Mommy and Daddy are blessed to have you in their lives!! (as are we!)

    Audra, Nathan, Jackson & Hayden :)
