First we got a chance to visit with Pacey, my cousin Miranda's daughter. Pacey was born less than 2 weeks after Marino, so they are very close in age. They love each other. Here you can see Marino attempting to steal a Cheerio from Pacey.
And here he tries to steal a sock.
And now he attempts to munch on Pacey's toes.
They love each other. It's pretty adorable.
The next day we got a chance to visit with Marino's cousins, Raiden and Jahvon. Raiden's dad, Rashaan, and Jahvon's dad, Ahmad, are Evan's sixth cousins twice removed or something but cousins none-the-less. They are also two of Evan's best friends. Raiden is now 6 months and Jahvon is now 5 months. We have high hopes the three of them will be best friends like their daddies.
Here are the three of them together. Raiden is on the left and Jahvon is on the right. Marino is clearly the one causing a ruckus in the middle.
I'm a fan of baby hand holding, so I like this picture.
And here are the babies escaping the picture taking.
Sara this is a great blog! You inspired me to add a theme to Raiden's blog. Those are great pics of our boys. It's FH the next generation (like Star Trek);)