Marino is 10 months old today! He is 18 pounds, 10.5 ounces. This is only a 1.5 ounce increase from a month ago, but he is at a healthy weight now so we can stop obsessing over how much he is gaining. If you've been following the blog, you know he has become much more mobile in the last month, so he is likely burning a lot more calories.
Just to review the changes in the last month...
- he started commando crawling (its now a hybrid of commando and regular crawling)
- he started pulling up to stand
- he's now effortlessly going from belly to sitting
- he started pointing
- he started saying "mama" (but not with purpose, just in babbling)
What a month! Now if he would just cut a tooth...
Here is a picture of what normally greets us in the crib in the morning...the "no hands" kneel
And if we don't pick him up quickly enough, he stands all the way up (in case we didn't see him or something;))
And for your viewing pleasure, 2 brief standing videos
This chair is his favorite thing to pull up on (unfortunately it needs to be weighed down or it tips over...luckily its Max's favorite seat in the house)
And here you can see the crawling has improved (its at least a lot faster than a few weeks ago)
We have lots of exciting things coming up this month...
*next Sunday - our first Mother's Day together
*May 19th - Mama finishes the semester and can spend lots more time with the boy
*Memorial Day weekend - Marino will take his first road trip (to NY) and meet lots of relatives for the first time, including his other Great Grandfather and Uncle Brendan and Aunt Holly
Yesterday Evan came to Waterbabies with us and took some pictures. Marino still liked the pool, but he was sleepy and pretty mellow during the class.
Drying off with Daddy after class.
I also wanted to share a picture of what is tormenting my sinuses...this is the view of the front of our house on Friday... Yes, it snowed flower petals. Pretty, but torturous. Today was the first time in a week I was able to smell anything!
What a doll!!! That crawl is awesome! How do you like the waterbabies??