This seems strange, since Marino is 9 1/2 months old already, but yesterday was the first day he felt grass! He only tried to put it in his mouth twice and then was content with just ripping it out of the ground like an adorable lawnmower. I think he was amazed there was an endless supply of things to rip up!
Here are a few pictures of Marino and his friend Claire. Claire is the daughter of my wonderful friend and (former, as of Friday at 5pm) co-worker, Sarah. Sarah and I were pregnant at the same time (our due dates were only 5 weeks apart, although we ended up having the babes 3 months apart) and it was so wonderful to have a friend at work to discuss pregnancy and babies with every day - I will miss seeing her everyday, although we will still see each other all the time. Saturday was also Claire's first experience with grass.
Spring also means...
On Saturday afternoon, we all took a ride to Brian and Kim's house for their housewarming party. Luckily, Marino was tired on the way there and slept the entire 90 minute trip (there was some traffic fiasco). We were not so lucky on the way home:(
Anyway, Marino was wonderful at the party. There was a lot to see and he was happy to chat with everyone. Here is a picture of him and Daddy. Evan has been dying to put him in this adorable outfit my friend Sonia bought for Marino when he was first born.
There were plenty of babies at the party for Marino to chat with. Here is a picture of Evan and Marino with Evan's good friend, Wally, and his adorable daughter, Bella.
You got your own sunny pictures! Hooray!